Anna Maria of Brunswick-Lüneberg (1532-1568)

Anna Maria of Brunswick.Lüneberg, Duchess of Prussia (1532-1568)


Anna Maria of Brunswick-Lüneberg was born in 1532 and died in 1568. In 1550 Anna Maria married the widowed Duke Albert of Prussia, which made her the Duchess of Prussia.

The Duchess with choleric madness

Anna Maria of  was affected by as it is called nowadays "choleric madness" before her untimely death.

This was a belief that a person had aggressive behavior due to an excess of yellow bile in their body.

Anna Maria's death had some unpleasant rumors surrounding her mysterious death. The rumors mentioned that she was poisoned, since she had a relative good health and that she only was thirty-five years old when she died. There is also rumored that intead of poisoning, Anna Maria died by the plague, roughly 16 hours after her husband Albert who also died from the plague. However, maybe the Duchess' rivals just took advantage of the Duke's passing.

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